Bangalore 30th April, 2010: Referring to a new research published in a scientific journal that links smoking addiction to genetics, Healis - Sekhsaria Institute of Public Health, an anti-tobacco advocacy group, said that misinterpretation of such studies would only undermine a smoker’s will power to quit the habit as they will now find an easy alibi in genetic pre-disposition.
The three studies published in the journal Nature Genetics compared the DNA of a total of more than 140,000 people and reportedly discovered the desire to give up smoking is linked to genetics than willpower. The research links two genes with nicotine dependence and two others that regulate nicotine metabolism in the body. But a close scrutiny of the research reveals that there was only one specific significant genetic difference, that smokers with one particular gene smoke a half a cigarette per day more.
According to the full text of one of the studies, "For smoking cessation, one SNP achieved genome-wide significance: rs3025343 [G] was associated with former
smoking status (OR = 1.12, 95% c.i. 1.08-1.18) and accounted for 0.19% of the variance in smoking cessation." If one were to read it correctly that’s 0.19 or a less than 1% variance among successful quitters. Even if it is a typo and the paper meant to say 19%, shouldn't the headline have read that "Genetics found to play a minor role in successful quitting"? Even if the gene explains 19% variance that means 81% who have the rs3025343 [G] gene was able to quit smoking.
Dr. Vidya Salaskar, a genetic specialist from Metropolis Healthcare limited was of the opinion “As cigarettes have nicotine, over a prolonged period of time, the nicotine can affect your genes. Parents with a smoking history may pass these genes to their children, who might be more prone to smoking than others. This fact is noticed in tribal areas where smoking in different forms is a common practice. But for the average individual, smoking is a socio-psychological phenomenon, like peer pressure, fashion trends etc. Genes play a minor role in their ability to quite. By blaming genes, it only gives the smokers another reason for not quitting.”

Buttressing his point further, Dr Gupta states that while genes provide the basis of human behavior, without certain environmental impacts, these pre-dispositions will remain untouched. In India and elsewhere in the world, outside factors such as tobacco companies advertisement as well as parents has a greater influence on children and youth in taking up the habit. In some cases, the first cigarette is provided by friends in colleges indicating the importance of peer pressure. In other cases, smoking parents have a greater role in their children’s initiation into smoking.
About Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health:
Healis - Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health is an organization dedicated to improving public health in India and other developing countries. Established on August 1, 2004 it is a leader in quality research in India. It conducts research specific to India’s unique social and cultural settings to help assess the health situation and to help guide health services and programs. It co-hosted the 14th World Conference on Tobacco or Health in collaboration with agencies of high repute during March 8-12, 2009. It has also played an instrumental role in fostering advocacy development and has actively engaged the media on health related issues. Healis works in collaboration with leading National and International Health and Research organizations.
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