Metropolis Healthcare Ltd, India’s only multi-national chain of diagnostic center, in association with A R D U (Auto Rickshaw Drivers Union) is organizing a one day free medical checkup camp for the auto rickshaw drivers in Bangalore who are associated with A R D U, in an effort to encourage them to lead a healthy life. The camp is scheduled to be held at the ARDU office in Gayathri Nagar on November 28th. This camp will be held for one day between 10 a.m till 2 p.m.
The campaign will promote occupational safety and heighten the awareness of the importance of physical well-being of the auto drivers. About 100 auto rickshaw drivers are expected to attend the camp. As part of the campaign Metropolis will issue stickers to be pasted in the auto. These stickers carry traffic safety messages such as ‘Do not smoke inside the taxi or at a petrol pump, do not use a cell phone at a petrol pump, do not wave your hand outside the taxi and do not litter inside the taxi.’
The free health check up will cover Random Sugar (for diabetes testing, but further tests need to be done for fool proof scrutiny), Hemoglobin, TC & DC (used for testing the reasons behind any prolonged weakness, fatigue, tiredness & infections), blood group, Height, Weight & BP.
Dr. Priya Murthy, Center Head Gokula Metropolis Clinical Laboratories, said that, the auto drivers are frequently exposed to constant noise that can have an adverse effect on their nervous system leading to fatigue and increased blood pressure. Besides the environment in which these drivers spend the majority of their time is polluted and dangerous, leading to severe stress. Most importantly, they are prone to accidents and most of them are not aware of their blood groups too. The Metropolis health campaign is aimed at addressing these occupational hazards of the auto drivers in Bangalore.
Mr. Raghavendra, General Secretary ARDU said, "I thank Metropolis for offering the health campaign which will benefit the auto drivers in Bangalore. I hope that similar activities will be held in future and be extended to other areas in Bangalore as well.”
About Metropolis Healthcare Ltd.: Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. was founded by Dr. Sushil Shah in 1981. The Board of Directors includes Dr. Sushil Shah, Dr. G. S. K Velu, Mr. Ganesan and Mr. Niten Malhan.
Metropolis Healthcare is India’s only multinational chain of diagnostic centers across India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, South Africa, Bangladesh, Nepal and Mauritius. It provides around 4500 specialized tests under a single roof ranging from oncology to genetics, molecular biology and immunoassays using best-of-breed and latest diagnostic equipment. Metropolis Healthcare Ltd has also been recently voted as the sole recipient of the Frost & Sullivan - 2010 India Excellence in Healthcare Awards - Diagnostic Services Company of the Year.
Warburg Pincus, a leading global private equity firm, has recently invested up to $85 million in Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. With 60 State – of – the - Art laboratories, Metropolis is a preferred referral center for more than 10000 laboratories, clinicians, hospitals and research institutions across 125 cities in India. The CAP, US FDA for the SMO services, NABL accredited and ISO 15189 certified Metropolis chain of laboratories has over 350 collection centers and is a preferred laboratory for providing quality testing to over 50, 000 Doctors across the country. Services include Clinical Referral Laboratory (Over 4000 Tests) Hospital Laboratory Management, Preventive Health Checkups, Home Health Services, Site Management Services and Clinical Trials.
For more information, please contact:
Vivek Kangath
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
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