ഡല്ഹിയില്നിന്നും അവധിക്കാലം ചെലവഴിക്കാന് കേരളത്തിലെത്തിയ എന്ജിനീയറിംഗ് വിദ്യാര്ത്ഥിനി. കുറേ വര്ഷങ്ങള്ക്കുശേഷമാണ് അവള് നാട്ടിലെത്തിയത്. രണ്ടുദിവസം കേരളത്തിലൂടെ യാത്ര ചെയ്തപ്പോള് അവള് അമ്മയോട് ചോദിച്ചത് ഈ ആണുങ്ങള് എന്താണ് തുറിച്ചുനോക്കുന്നത് എന്നായിരുന്നു.
എറണാകുളത്തെ സ്വകാര്യസ്ഥാപനത്തില് ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥയായ സെറീന ഫുട്പാത്തിലൂടെ നടക്കുമ്പോഴാണ് എതിരെ നടന്നുവന്ന മനുഷ്യന് മന:പൂര്വം ദേഹത്ത് സ്പര്ശിച്ചിട്ട് ഒന്നുമറിയാത്തതുപോലെ നടന്നുപോയത്. സെറീന അയാളെ വെറുതെ വിട്ടില്ല. ഷര്ട്ടിന്റെ കോളറില് പിടിച്ചുനിര്ത്തി ചോദ്യം ചെയ്തു. ആളുകള് ചുറ്റുംകൂടി. മാധ്യമങ്ങളിലൂടെ വാര്ത്ത അറിഞ്ഞപ്പോള് സെറീനയുടെ ധൈര്യത്തെ എല്ലാവരും വാഴ്ത്തി. സെറീനയെപ്പോലെ പ്രതികരിക്കാന് ധൈര്യം കാണിച്ചാല് ഒരു പുരുഷനും സ്ത്രീയെ ഉപദ്രവിക്കാന് ധൈര്യം കാണിക്കില്ല. സെറീനയെ കുറ്റപ്പെടുത്തുന്ന സ്ത്രീവിദ്വേഷികളുണ്ടാകാം.
ഇന്ത്യയില് കേരളത്തോളം സാമൂഹികമായി ഉന്നതിപ്രാപിച്ച മറ്റൊരു സംസ്ഥാനമില്ല. സ്ത്രീകളുടെ ജീവിതനിലവാരം വികസിതരാഷ്ട്രങ്ങളിലെ സ്ത്രീകളുടെയൊപ്പം. പക്ഷേ രാത്രി ഏഴുമണി കഴിഞ്ഞാല് കേരളത്തിലെ നഗരങ്ങളില് തനിയെ യാത്രചെയ്യാന് സ്ത്രീകള് പേടിക്കേണ്ട അവസ്ഥ... തിരക്കുള്ള സ്ഥലങ്ങളിലൂടെ തട്ടും, മുട്ടും പേടിക്കാതെ നടക്കാന് പറ്റില്ല. സിനിമാ തീയേറ്ററുകളിലും ബസിനുള്ളിലും മലയാളി സ്ത്രീകള് ഈ പ്രശ്നത്തെ അഭിമുഖീകരിക്കുന്നു.
പ്രതികരിച്ചാലോ സ്ത്രീകള് ഉള്പ്പെടെയുള്ളവര് അവളെ നോക്കുന്നത്, ഒരു കുറ്റവാളിയെപ്പോലെയാണ്. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ മറ്റു സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലെ നഗരങ്ങളിലെല്ലാം സ്ത്രീകള്ക്ക് രാത്രിയില് സുരക്ഷിതമായി യാത്രചെയ്യാം. കേരളത്തിലെ നഗരങ്ങളില്ക്കൂടി രാത്രിയില് സ്ത്രീകള് തനിച്ചോ കൂട്ടമായോ ഒന്നു സഞ്ചരിക്കൂ. അനുഭവം അത്ര നല്ലതായിരിക്കില്ല.
''നാഗ്പൂരില് രാത്രിയിലും ധൈര്യമായി ഒരു സ്ത്രീക്ക് പുറത്തിറങ്ങി നടക്കാം. കേരളത്തില് രാത്രി ഏഴുമണി കഴിഞ്ഞ് യാത്ര ചെയ്യുന്നവരെ എന്തോ കാഴ്ചവസ്തുക്കളെപ്പോലെയാണ് പുരുഷന്മാര് നോക്കുന്നത്.'' നാഗ്പൂരില് എന്ജിനീയറിംഗ് വിദ്യാര്ത്ഥിനിയായ ലിയാ സിറിയക്ക്, സ്ത്രീക്കും പുരുഷനും യാത്ര ചെയ്യാന് ബസുകളില് വ്യത്യസ്ത സീറ്റുകള് ലോകത്തില് കേരളത്തില് മാത്രമേ കാണൂ. എന്നാലും തിരക്കേറിയ ബസില് യാത്ര ചെയ്യാന് പേടിക്കണം.
''മലയാളി സ്ത്രീകള് ജോലിയിലും, ഭരണരംഗത്തുമെല്ലാം പുരുഷന്റെ ഒപ്പം മികവു തെളിയിക്കുന്നവരാണ്. പക്ഷേ മലയാളി പുരുഷന്മാര്ക്ക് സ്ത്രീകളെ അംഗീകരിക്കാന് മടിയാണ്. എല്ലാവരും അങ്ങനെയാണെന്ന് പറയുന്നില്ല. പക്ഷേ ഭൂരിഭാഗം പേരും ഇത്തരത്തിലാണ്. ഓഫീസില് ഒരു സ്ത്രീ നന്നായി ജോലിചെയ്ത് ബോസിന്റെ പ്രശംസ നേടിയാല്, അവളുടെ കഴിവുകൊണ്ട് അത് കിട്ടിയെന്ന് പറയുന്നതിനേക്കാള് അവര്ക്ക് കൂടുതലിഷ്ടം ആ സ്ത്രീയെക്കുറിച്ച് അപവാദം പറയാനായിരിക്കും.''
തിരുവനന്തപുരത്ത് സെക്രട്ടേറിയറ്റില് ജോലിചെയ്യുന്ന, പേര് വെളിപ്പെടുത്താന് ആഗ്രഹിക്കാത്ത സ്ത്രീ പറയുന്നു. യാതൊരു ഭീഷണിക്കും വഴങ്ങാതെ സത്യസന്ധമായി ജോലിചെയ്യുന്ന സ്ത്രീകളെ ഉപദ്രവിക്കുന്നതില് പുരുഷന്മാര് ഒട്ടും പിന്നിലല്ല. പുഷ്കലയുടെ കഥ അതാണ്. തിരുവനന്തപുരം കന്റോന്മെന്റ് എസി ഓഫീസിലെ മൂന്നു പോലീസുകാരും ഗുണ്ടകളും ചേര്ന്ന് പുഷ്കല എന്ന പോലീസ് കോണ്സ്റ്റബിളിനെ കൊന്നുകളയുമെന്നുവരെ ഭീഷണിപ്പെടുത്തി. സത്യസന്ധമായി ജോലിചെയ്തതിന് പുഷ്കലയ്ക്ക് കിട്ടിയ പ്രതിഫലം. അടുത്തിടെ കേരളസര്വകലാശാലയുടെ എം.എ. പരീക്ഷയില് ഒന്നാംറാങ്ക് നേടിയ പോലീസ്സേനയുടെ അഭിമാനമായി പുഷ്കല മാറിയിരുന്നു.
ഡപ്യൂട്ടി പോലീസ് കമ്മീഷണര് എച്ച്. നാഗരാജുവിന്റെ കോണ്ഫിഡന്ഷ്യല് അസിസ്റ്റന്റായ പുഷ്കല ചില പോലീസുകാര്ക്കെതിരെ ഡി.സി.പി നടത്തിയ അന്വേഷണത്തിന്റെ വിവരം ചോര്ത്തി നല്കാത്തതിന്റെ പേരിലാണ് പുഷ്കലയെ വീട്ടിലേക്ക് ഗുണ്ടകളെ അയച്ച് ഭീഷണിപ്പെടുത്തിയത്. ഫോണില് വിളിക്കുക മാത്രമല്ല വീട്ടില് വന്നും അവര് ഭീഷണി തുടര്ന്നു. സ്ഥലമാറ്റം, ദേഹോപദ്രവം.... ഫോണിലൂടെ ഭീഷണികള് തുടര്ന്നുകൊണ്ടേയിരുന്നു. ജോലിയില് സത്യസന്ധത പുലര്ത്തിയതിന് ഒരു പോലീസുകാരിക്ക് ഉണ്ടായ അനുഭവം ഇതാണെങ്കില് സാധാരണ സ്ത്രീകളുടെ കാര്യം പറയാനുണ്ടോ.
ബസില്വച്ച് തന്നെ ഉപദ്രവിക്കാന് ശ്രമിച്ചവര്ക്കെതിരെ പരാതികൊടുത്ത കാലിക്കറ്റ് സര്വകലാശാല ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥ പി.ഇ. ഉഷയ്ക്ക് പിന്നീട് നേരിടേണ്ടിവന്ന ദുരിതങ്ങള് ഏറെയാണ്. നൂറുശതമാനം സാക്ഷരതനേടി എന്നഭിമാനിക്കുന്ന കേരളത്തിലാണ് ഇത്തരത്തിലുള്ള സംഭവങ്ങള് ഉണ്ടാകുന്നത്.
പ്രതികരിക്കൂ, രക്ഷനേടൂ
''ബസിലും ട്രെയിനിലും വച്ച് തോണ്ടുന്നവരോട് പ്രതികരിച്ചാല് മാത്രമേ രക്ഷയുള്ളൂ. അല്ലെങ്കില് അവര് ഉപദ്രവം തുടര്ന്നുകൊണ്ടേയിരിക്കും.'' എറണാകുളത്ത് ടെക്സ്റ്റയില് ജീവനക്കാരിയായ ബിന്ദു.പലരും നാണക്കേട് ഓര്ത്ത് മിണ്ടാറില്ല. പണ്ട് തോണ്ടലും മുട്ടലും മാത്രം പേടിച്ചാല് മതിയായിരുന്നു. ഇപ്പോ അതിലും വലിയ പ്രശ്നമാണല്ലോ, മൊബൈല് ഫോണ്. കോഴിക്കോട് ഹോട്ടലിന്റെ ടോയ്ലറ്റില് ഒളിക്യാമറ പിടിപ്പിച്ചതിനുശേഷം കടയില് വരുന്ന സ്ത്രീകള്ക്ക്, ഡ്രസുകള് ഇട്ടുനോക്കാന്പോലും പേടിയാണ്. വീടിന് പുറത്തിറങ്ങിയാല് പേടിക്കേണ്ട അവസ്ഥ എന്തൊരു കഷ്ടമാണിത്.'' ജീന തന്റെ വിഷമം മറച്ചുവയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല. ഓര്ക്കുക പ്രതികരിക്കുക മാത്രമാണ് ഇതുപോലെയുളളവരില് നിന്ന് രക്ഷനേടാനുളള ഏകമാര്ഗം.
മലയാളികള് ഇത്ര അധ:പതിച്ചോ
കോട്ടയത്തെ ഒരു വീട്ടമ്മയുടെ അനുഭവം മനസാക്ഷിയുള്ള ആരെയും വേദനിപ്പിക്കും. റോഡിലൂടെ നടന്നുപോവുകയായിരുന്ന വീട്ടമ്മയെ കാറിടിച്ചു. ബോധരഹിതയായി റോഡില് വീണ വീട്ടമ്മയെ സമീപത്തുണ്ടായിരുന്ന പുരുഷന്മാര് അപകടമുണ്ടാക്കിയ കാറില് ആശുപത്രിയിലെത്തിച്ചു. വേദനകൊണ്ട് പുളയുന്ന വീട്ടമ്മയെ ആശ്വസിപ്പിക്കാതെ ശാരീരികമായി ഉപദ്രവിക്കാനാണ് അവര് ശ്രമിച്ചത്. തന്നെ ചികിത്സിച്ച ലേഡി ഡോക്ടറോട് ആ സ്ത്രീ തന്നെ ഉപദ്രവിച്ചതായി പറഞ്ഞു. വീട്ടമ്മയുടെ പരാതിപ്രകാരം പോലീസ് കേസെടുത്തു.
പ്രതികളെ പിടികൂടി. നൂറുശതമാനം സാക്ഷരരെന്ന് അഭിമാനിക്കുന്ന മലയാളികള് ഇത്ര അധ:പതിച്ചോയെന്ന് സംശയം തോന്നാം. ഈ സംഭവം കേള്ക്കുമ്പോള്. സ്വന്തം അമ്മയെയും സഹോദരിമാരെയും സ്നേഹിക്കുന്നവര് ഇത്തരത്തില് പെരുമാറുമോ? ആത്മവിശ്വാസത്തോടെ, തന്റേടത്തോടെ പെണ്കുട്ടികളെ വളര്ത്തുക. ഇത്തരക്കാരില്നിന്നും രക്ഷപ്പെടാന് അതുമാത്രമാണ് വഴി.ആരോഗ്യകരമായ സ്ത്രീപുരുഷ സൗഹ്യദങ്ങള് വളര്ത്തുക. പെണ്കുട്ടികളെ തീര്ത്തും
തൊട്ടാവാടികളായി വളര്ത്താതിരിക്കുക. തങ്ങളുടെ ശരീരത്തില് ദുരുദ്ദേശത്തോടെ ഒരു പുരുഷന് സ്പര്ശിച്ചാല് അത് തിരിച്ചറിയാന് പെണ്കുട്ടികള്ക്ക് കഴിയണം. പേടിക്കാതെ ഉടനേ പ്രതികരിക്കാന് അവര്ക്ക് സാധിക്കണം. ഇത്തരത്തിലൊരു പ്രശ്നമുണ്ടായി അത് വീട്ടില്വന്നു പറഞ്ഞാല് കുറ്റപ്പെടുത്താതിരിക്കാന് മാതാപിതാക്കള് ശ്രദ്ധിക്കണം. ഭാവിയില് ഗുരുതരമായ പ്രശ്നങ്ങള് ഉണ്ടായാലും ചിലപ്പാള് അവര് പറഞ്ഞില്ലെന്നു വരാം.
സ്ത്രീകള്ക്ക് വേണ്ടിയുള്ള നിയമങ്ങള്
നിങ്ങള്ക്കെതിരെ അക്രമമുണ്ടായാല് പോലീസ് സ്റ്റേഷനില് പരാതിപ്പെടുക. പരാതി നല്കിയതിന് തെളിവായി കിട്ടുന്ന രസീത് സൂക്ഷിച്ചുവയ്ക്കുക. ഏതെങ്കിലും വ്യക്തി മന:പൂര്വം അപമാനിക്കുക, മാനസികമായി വേദനിപ്പിക്കുക, തുറിച്ചുനോക്കുക, മനപൂര്വം സ്വകാര്യഭാഗങ്ങള് പ്രദര്ശിപ്പിക്കുക, സ്വകാര്യതയെ ശല്യപ്പെടുത്തുക, ബസിലോ ട്രെയിനിലോവച്ച് ഉപദ്രവിക്കുകയോ ചെയ്താല് ഐ.പി.സി. 509 വകുപ്പുപ്രകാരം ഒരുവര്ഷംവരെ സാധാരണ തടവും പിഴയും ലഭിക്കും.
പൊതുസ്ഥലത്തുവച്ച് ബഹളമുണ്ടാക്കുകയോ മദ്യപിച്ച് ശല്യപ്പെടുത്തുകയോ ചെയ്താല് പ്രതിക്ക് ഐ.പി.സി 510 പ്രകാരം ഒരു ദിവസം തടവും പിഴയും ലഭിക്കാം. ഏതെങ്കിലും വ്യക്തി മര്ദ്ദിക്കുകയോ മാനസികമായി ഉപദ്രവിക്കുകയോ (ഉദാ: കുളിക്കുമ്പോള് ഒളിഞ്ഞുനോക്കുക) തുടങ്ങിയ കുറ്റകൃത്യങ്ങള്ക്ക് പ്രതികള്ക്ക് ഐ.പി.സി 354 പ്രകാരം രണ്ടുവര്ഷം തടവ് ലഭിക്കാം. ജാമ്യം കിട്ടാത്ത വകുപ്പാണിത്.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Metropolis Healthcare announces investment of up to $85 million by Warburg Pincus
Bangalore: Metropolis Healthcare Limited (Metropolis), India’s only multinational chain of diagnostic laboratories, announced today that Warburg Pincus, a leading global private equity firm, is making an investment of up to $85 million in the company. As part of this deal, Indian private equity firm ICICI Ventures has completely divested its holding in the company, which it had acquired in 2006. The deal involves a primary and secondary component and also includes additional capital that will be available to Metropolis to pursue acquisitions.
In a fragmented market for medical diagnostic services in India, Metropolis has established itself as a national player of scale. Through a network of 45 state-of-the-art laboratories and over 350 collection centers across India, Metropolis processes over 12 million tests a year, serving over 10,000 laboratories, hospitals, and nursing homes and 50,000 doctors. The company has expanded through a combination of organic growth and partnerships. In addition to building a strong business in India, the company has successfully established its brand through 10 laboratories in Sri Lanka, South Africa and UAE. Metropolis will continue to seek attractive acquisition opportunities while expanding its delivery network and deepening its presence in current locations.
Ms. Ameera Patel, Executive Director & CEO, Metropolis said, “Since our inception in 1981 as a Mumbai-based laboratory, Metropolis has been setting industry benchmarks time and again. Over the years, we have built India’s only multinational chain of diagnostic centers, and today the brand is well-respected amongst the healthcare and business fraternity. Our association with ICICI Ventures over the last few years has been rewarding and we are delighted to welcome Warburg Pincus as our future partner. We are confident that with their support we will achieve our vision of consolidating Metropolis as the foremost clinical diagnostics service provider across the emerging markets of South Asia, Africa and Middle East.
Mr. Niten Malhan, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus India Private Limited said, “Warburg Pincus has a history of partnering with distinctive management teams to create durable businesses with sustainable value. Metropolis is a pioneer in the pathology industry in India and over a period of almost three decades, the company has grown to be the leader in the field of clinical diagnostics with a network of 55 state of the art laboratories across four countries. Led by a talented management team, Metropolis is well-positioned to leverage growth opportunities in the clinical diagnostics business.”
Mr. Dalip Pathak, member of the Executive Management Group at Warburg Pincus said, "Healthcare is an important focus area for Warburg Pincus. We are delighted through this investment to expand our presence in the sector in India, particularly by partnering with Metropolis, which is uniquely positioned in healthcare services."
O3 Capital acted as the sole financial advisor to Metropolis for this transaction. Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A Shroff acted as legal advisors to Warburg Pincus, Desai Diwanji acted as legal advisors to Metropolis and Ernst &Young conducted financial and accounting diligence for the transaction.
About Metropolis Healthcare Limited
Metropolis Healthcare is India’s only multinational chain of diagnostic centers across India, Sri Lanka, South Africa and the UAE. It offers a test menu of 4000 tests under a single roof, ranging from routine tests in immunochemistry to highly specialized markers in genetics and molecular biology covering all therapeutic areas. Metropolis laboratories have been accredited by either CAP (College of American Pathologists), US FDA, NABL (National Accreditation Board for Laboratories) or ISO 15189 for using best-of-breed technologies, highly skilled manpower and globally accepted best practices
Metropolis is the preferred provider of specialized testing for more than 10000 laboratories, hospitals and research institutions and 50,000 doctors across 125 cities in India through 350 collection points. Services include Pathology testing, Preventive Health Checks and Wellness and Clinical research.
For more information about Metropolis, please visit: www.metropolisindia.com
About ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Ltd
ICICI Venture is one of the largest private equity firms in India with funds under management of about USD 2 billion. Its Investment focus areas span across private equity, buyouts, real estate and mezzanine financing. ICICI Venture, over the years has built an enviable portfolio of companies across sectors including pharmaceuticals, information technology, media, manufacturing, logistics, textiles, real estate etc., thereby building sustainable value. ICICI Venture is a subsidiary of ICICI Bank, the largest private sector Bank in India.
For more information about ICICI Venture, please visit: www.iciciventure.com
About Warburg Pincus
Warburg Pincus has been a leading private equity investor since its foundation in 1966. The firm currently has more than $30 billion in assets under management. Its active portfolio of more than 110 companies is highly diversified by stage, sector and geography. Warburg Pincus is a growth investor and an experienced partner to management teams seeking to build durable companies with sustainable value. The Firm has raised 13 private equity funds which have invested more than $35 billion in over 600 companies in more than 30 countries.
Over the past decade, affiliates of private equity funds raised by Warburg Pincus have invested more than $2.2 billion in Indian companies. The firm’s past and current investments in India include Ambuja Cements, Bharti Airtel, DB Corp, Gangavaram Port, Havells, HDFC, ICICI Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Lemontree Hotels, Max India, Piramal Healthcare, Punj Lloyd, Sintex, and WNS Global Services.
The firm has offices in Beijing, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo, Shanghai and Tokyo.
For more information, please visit www.warburgpincus.com
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com

Ms. Ameera Patel, Executive Director & CEO, Metropolis said, “Since our inception in 1981 as a Mumbai-based laboratory, Metropolis has been setting industry benchmarks time and again. Over the years, we have built India’s only multinational chain of diagnostic centers, and today the brand is well-respected amongst the healthcare and business fraternity. Our association with ICICI Ventures over the last few years has been rewarding and we are delighted to welcome Warburg Pincus as our future partner. We are confident that with their support we will achieve our vision of consolidating Metropolis as the foremost clinical diagnostics service provider across the emerging markets of South Asia, Africa and Middle East.
Mr. Niten Malhan, Managing Director, Warburg Pincus India Private Limited said, “Warburg Pincus has a history of partnering with distinctive management teams to create durable businesses with sustainable value. Metropolis is a pioneer in the pathology industry in India and over a period of almost three decades, the company has grown to be the leader in the field of clinical diagnostics with a network of 55 state of the art laboratories across four countries. Led by a talented management team, Metropolis is well-positioned to leverage growth opportunities in the clinical diagnostics business.”
Mr. Dalip Pathak, member of the Executive Management Group at Warburg Pincus said, "Healthcare is an important focus area for Warburg Pincus. We are delighted through this investment to expand our presence in the sector in India, particularly by partnering with Metropolis, which is uniquely positioned in healthcare services."
O3 Capital acted as the sole financial advisor to Metropolis for this transaction. Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A Shroff acted as legal advisors to Warburg Pincus, Desai Diwanji acted as legal advisors to Metropolis and Ernst &Young conducted financial and accounting diligence for the transaction.
About Metropolis Healthcare Limited
Metropolis Healthcare is India’s only multinational chain of diagnostic centers across India, Sri Lanka, South Africa and the UAE. It offers a test menu of 4000 tests under a single roof, ranging from routine tests in immunochemistry to highly specialized markers in genetics and molecular biology covering all therapeutic areas. Metropolis laboratories have been accredited by either CAP (College of American Pathologists), US FDA, NABL (National Accreditation Board for Laboratories) or ISO 15189 for using best-of-breed technologies, highly skilled manpower and globally accepted best practices
Metropolis is the preferred provider of specialized testing for more than 10000 laboratories, hospitals and research institutions and 50,000 doctors across 125 cities in India through 350 collection points. Services include Pathology testing, Preventive Health Checks and Wellness and Clinical research.
For more information about Metropolis, please visit: www.metropolisindia.com
About ICICI Venture Funds Management Company Ltd
ICICI Venture is one of the largest private equity firms in India with funds under management of about USD 2 billion. Its Investment focus areas span across private equity, buyouts, real estate and mezzanine financing. ICICI Venture, over the years has built an enviable portfolio of companies across sectors including pharmaceuticals, information technology, media, manufacturing, logistics, textiles, real estate etc., thereby building sustainable value. ICICI Venture is a subsidiary of ICICI Bank, the largest private sector Bank in India.
For more information about ICICI Venture, please visit: www.iciciventure.com
About Warburg Pincus
Warburg Pincus has been a leading private equity investor since its foundation in 1966. The firm currently has more than $30 billion in assets under management. Its active portfolio of more than 110 companies is highly diversified by stage, sector and geography. Warburg Pincus is a growth investor and an experienced partner to management teams seeking to build durable companies with sustainable value. The Firm has raised 13 private equity funds which have invested more than $35 billion in over 600 companies in more than 30 countries.
Over the past decade, affiliates of private equity funds raised by Warburg Pincus have invested more than $2.2 billion in Indian companies. The firm’s past and current investments in India include Ambuja Cements, Bharti Airtel, DB Corp, Gangavaram Port, Havells, HDFC, ICICI Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Lemontree Hotels, Max India, Piramal Healthcare, Punj Lloyd, Sintex, and WNS Global Services.
The firm has offices in Beijing, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo, Shanghai and Tokyo.
For more information, please visit www.warburgpincus.com
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Scandic Food India Pvt Ltd to take Sil brand to 800 cities this year

Bangalore: Scandic Food India Private Limited is looking to rejuvenate the Sil brand by increasing its presence to 800 cities in this fiscal from the present 250. The Pune – based company bought the Sil brand from Marico Industries two years ago.
“The company is now taking to contract farming to steady the supply of fresh fruits and commodities like chilli, Tomatoes and other ingredients for its jams and ketchups. Scandic was looking to have a pan India presence during this fiscal for its juices, ketchups, jam and others. It will set up regional manufacturing plants in the agrarian belts. India will be the manufacturing hub for Southeast Asian countries and west Asia, “ said Ravi Chandra, National Head – Sales and Marketing, Scandic Food India Pvt Ltd..
The company recently launched a vegetarian mayonnaise to increase its product offering. It will now introduce a premium jam, which will be low on sugar, add a few variants of the existing products in three to four months apart from creating some new categories. Scandic has been setting up its own distribution channels for the past one year. The company recently launched fruit juices in five variants — apple, mango, pineapple and mixed fruit. It has recently launched two variants of tomato ketchup called Fun-mato and Hotmato.

The Sil brand will continue. Scandic plans to put in about 17 per cent of its revenues in promotional activities. Currently we are spending 8-10 crs with Carat Media to take the brand to the consumers. The jam and ketchup segments are estimated to be Rs. 140 crore and Rs. 400 crore respectively. There is scope for growth as the jam and ketchup markets are under penetrated, asserted Mr. Chandra.
Scandic Food India Private Limited
Good Food Group A/S acquired the SIL brand from the Indian company Marico Ltd. in March 2008, and subsequently the company Scandic Food India Private Limited was established, domiciled near Pune.
Under the SIL brand, Scandic Food India Private Limited sells its processed food products, comprising jams (mixed fruit), specialities (baked beans in tomato sauce, sweet corn cream soup), and sauces (soya sauce, green chilli sauce, red chilli sauce, mayonnaise).
The jam market is controlled by two national brands, and SIL has managed to hold its position for quite a long time, increasing its market share from 8 to 12% over the past few years.
For further details please contact:
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
Olympus opens its new zone in Bengaluru

The new ‘Olympus Zone’ (at G.K.Vale Camera store) in Bengaluru provides the right ambience for new products to be showcased and reach out to its customers
Bengaluru, June 22, 2010: G.K.Vale Camera store, today launched its technology section with ‘Olympus Zone’ in Bengaluru that offers a comprehensive range of Olympus digital cameras, professional cameras, binoculars, accessories, voice recorders and a host of other products under one retail roof. After launching an exclusive store of Olympus on April 16th in Bengaluru, this zone is a step further in their plan of expansion in Indian market.
Located in the heart of Bengaluru’s Unit no. 103, Prestige Davanam Emporium, Municipal no 46, MG road, Bengaluru – 1, the new store in this ‘Silicon Valley’ has a wide range of ѕοmе of the best digital cameras ever made. The new store provides the right ambience to Olympus patrons who are assured of an enriching experience as they can touch and feel the entire range of Olympus products. Further, the store is manned by experienced sales team who will guide patrons’ right from entering the premises till the point of purchase.

Through the new store, Olympus plans to showcase and retail its latest breakthrough technology products like the ‘Tough’ series namely 14 Megapixel µ TOUGH-8010, µ TOUGH-6020 and µ TOUGH-3000, stylish ‘mju’ series, as well as the Olympus PEN series including the award winning avant-garde product PEN EPL-1.
On the LAUNCH of their fifth store in the country, Mr. Kinya Yoshimura, General Manager India Operations, Olympus Imaging Corporation said, “We believe in enhancing consumer experience by offering user-friendly solutions. We already have an all exclusive Olympus store in Bengaluru, but keeping in mind the demand here, now we have an Olympus Zone too. Bengaluru is a major step towards not only strengthening our brand but also promoting photography culture in a big way. Through this we hope to reach out to the patrons and bring to them the expertise of Olympus in professional cameras in an accessible form. We are breaking down the technology barriers and making it easy for every patron to relive their memories in the highest quality possible.”
Going forward Olympus aims to open similar outlets in other Metros across India.
About Olympus Corporation
Olympus Corporation was established on October 12, 1919 in Japan and enjoys a reputation for excellence in digital cameras. Olympus first met this aspiration in 1934 with the development of camera lenses. In 2003, the company changed its name from Olympus to Olympus Corporation to unify the corporate name and the well-known brand. In recent years, Olympus Corporation has focused on "Opto-Digital Technology" as its core competence to maximize corporate value and to become one of the top optical instruments manufactures. Olympus has been present in India since 2005 with their full range of cameras. It has been continually revamping its brand building strategy in India. In the last one year, the service network too witnessed a major growth.
Website: www.olympus-imaging.co.in
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Amigo Sport brings the FIFA Official Merchandise to India
-Signs licensee agreement with Global Brands Group, the master licensee for FIFA
-Launches FIFA Collections, a unique blend of football, fashion and culture
Bangalore – Amigo Sports today announced the launch of FIFA Collections in India. Amigo Sports has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with Global Brands Group the master licensee of the FIFA brand globally, through this agreement Amigo sports has exclusive rights to manufacturing, multi-channel distribution & retail of official FIFA merchandise across India. The FIFA Official Stores will open across more than 10 countries globally with India being the most recent entrant.
Amigo Sports Pvt. Ltd. will be setting up FIFA Official Stores across India. The first of the FIFA Official Stores will come up in the Palladium Mall & Oberoi Mall followed by other stores across the country. Amigo Sports Pvt. Ltd currently has a strong footprint of 49 stores across the country scaling up to 100 before end of 2010. Amigo Sports Pvt. Ltd has also tied up with departmental stores like Shoppers Stop, Central & Westside to sell and promote official FIFA branded merchandise.
The FIFA Official Stores will be exceptional retail spaces, set in prime retail locations. The FIFA Official Store retail experience aims to connect fans around the world to FIFA’s rich heritage reflecting the dynamism of football since 1904. The FIFA Official Store experience promises fans an innovative and entertaining in-store football experience. The stores will stock official FIFA Collections, event merchandise and products from FIFA Commercial Affiliates. FIFA Collections is FIFA’s football lifestyle apparel and accessories range designed with a unique signature fusing football, fashion and culture.
Simon Hawkins, SVP & GM, FIFA & Football Business Unit, Global Brands Group, said “It’s a very exciting time for us. Since we signed our agreement with FIFA, we have been working closely with them and are delighted to partner with Amigo Sports to bring this brand to India. Although one would think India is a cricket crazy nation, tv audience estimates suggest that over 287 million people will be watching the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ in India, THE country with the potential to be one of the largest football consuming nations in the world. The FIFA Official Stores will stock official FIFA merchandise and will look to deliver a complete ‘footballing lifestyle’ experience to the true football fanatic
We are confident in the ability of Amigo Sports to deliver that very same experience to our clientele and to aggressively roll-out the FIFA brand and FIFA retail stores in this fast growing upwardly mobile Indian market.”
Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman, Amigo Sports, said “We are excited at being the partner of choice to bring FIFA retail and lifestyle merchandise to India. FIFA is an iconic brand and has reached millions across the globe. In India football is fast becoming a huge draw and there is a huge following for the sport. We have seen a huge fan following for the game and there is a decent club loyalty. We feel that this is the right time to launch the FIFA Brand in the Indian market with the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ around the corner. We at Amigo Sports will bring world class expertise in the roll out of the FIFA Merchandise in India and look to reach out to the football crazy Indians through various touch points and innovative formats.”
Notes to Editors
About Global Brands Group
Global Brands Group is the world's leading independent, international brand management, retail and licensing company. Global Brands Group's passion for managing brands is tied to its desire to building sustainable equity and creating new branding opportunities through geographic expansion, category extension and retail innovation. Through its international network of offices across six continents, Global Brands Group maximizes revenue potential by creating manufacturing, retail and distribution partnerships worldwide.
Global Brands Group's business is focused on product licensing, merchandising and retail development. Visit www.globalbrandsgroup.com
About FIFA:
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is the world governing body of football, comprising 208 football associations grouped into six confederations. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, FIFA’s activities extend far beyond its broad spectrum of international competitions headed by the FIFA World Cup™. FIFA provides material, financial and promotional means to develop the game around the world, and offers underprivileged communities support through the Football for Hope movement. For the Game. For the World.
For more information on FIFA and its competitions, especially the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™, please visit the official website at www.FIFA.com & www.FIFA.com/FIFACollections
About Amigo Sports:
Amigo Sports is a leader in franchising iconic sports and casual fashion brands with unrivalled brand heritage. In a short span of time Amigo Sports has been able to attract a wide range of talent from across industries and attracted world-wide recognition by becoming the Indian licensee for FIFA official stores and fifa merchandise. amigo sports has an ambition of becoming india’s premiere sports and Lifestyle Company and a leader in key sports – Football, Golf, Racquet Sports and Others
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
-Launches FIFA Collections, a unique blend of football, fashion and culture
Bangalore – Amigo Sports today announced the launch of FIFA Collections in India. Amigo Sports has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with Global Brands Group the master licensee of the FIFA brand globally, through this agreement Amigo sports has exclusive rights to manufacturing, multi-channel distribution & retail of official FIFA merchandise across India. The FIFA Official Stores will open across more than 10 countries globally with India being the most recent entrant.

Amigo Sports Pvt. Ltd. will be setting up FIFA Official Stores across India. The first of the FIFA Official Stores will come up in the Palladium Mall & Oberoi Mall followed by other stores across the country. Amigo Sports Pvt. Ltd currently has a strong footprint of 49 stores across the country scaling up to 100 before end of 2010. Amigo Sports Pvt. Ltd has also tied up with departmental stores like Shoppers Stop, Central & Westside to sell and promote official FIFA branded merchandise.
The FIFA Official Stores will be exceptional retail spaces, set in prime retail locations. The FIFA Official Store retail experience aims to connect fans around the world to FIFA’s rich heritage reflecting the dynamism of football since 1904. The FIFA Official Store experience promises fans an innovative and entertaining in-store football experience. The stores will stock official FIFA Collections, event merchandise and products from FIFA Commercial Affiliates. FIFA Collections is FIFA’s football lifestyle apparel and accessories range designed with a unique signature fusing football, fashion and culture.
Simon Hawkins, SVP & GM, FIFA & Football Business Unit, Global Brands Group, said “It’s a very exciting time for us. Since we signed our agreement with FIFA, we have been working closely with them and are delighted to partner with Amigo Sports to bring this brand to India. Although one would think India is a cricket crazy nation, tv audience estimates suggest that over 287 million people will be watching the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ in India, THE country with the potential to be one of the largest football consuming nations in the world. The FIFA Official Stores will stock official FIFA merchandise and will look to deliver a complete ‘footballing lifestyle’ experience to the true football fanatic
We are confident in the ability of Amigo Sports to deliver that very same experience to our clientele and to aggressively roll-out the FIFA brand and FIFA retail stores in this fast growing upwardly mobile Indian market.”
Sanjiv Mehta, Chairman, Amigo Sports, said “We are excited at being the partner of choice to bring FIFA retail and lifestyle merchandise to India. FIFA is an iconic brand and has reached millions across the globe. In India football is fast becoming a huge draw and there is a huge following for the sport. We have seen a huge fan following for the game and there is a decent club loyalty. We feel that this is the right time to launch the FIFA Brand in the Indian market with the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ around the corner. We at Amigo Sports will bring world class expertise in the roll out of the FIFA Merchandise in India and look to reach out to the football crazy Indians through various touch points and innovative formats.”
Notes to Editors
About Global Brands Group
Global Brands Group is the world's leading independent, international brand management, retail and licensing company. Global Brands Group's passion for managing brands is tied to its desire to building sustainable equity and creating new branding opportunities through geographic expansion, category extension and retail innovation. Through its international network of offices across six continents, Global Brands Group maximizes revenue potential by creating manufacturing, retail and distribution partnerships worldwide.
Global Brands Group's business is focused on product licensing, merchandising and retail development. Visit www.globalbrandsgroup.com
About FIFA:
The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is the world governing body of football, comprising 208 football associations grouped into six confederations. Based in Zurich, Switzerland, FIFA’s activities extend far beyond its broad spectrum of international competitions headed by the FIFA World Cup™. FIFA provides material, financial and promotional means to develop the game around the world, and offers underprivileged communities support through the Football for Hope movement. For the Game. For the World.
For more information on FIFA and its competitions, especially the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa™, please visit the official website at www.FIFA.com & www.FIFA.com/FIFACollections
About Amigo Sports:
Amigo Sports is a leader in franchising iconic sports and casual fashion brands with unrivalled brand heritage. In a short span of time Amigo Sports has been able to attract a wide range of talent from across industries and attracted world-wide recognition by becoming the Indian licensee for FIFA official stores and fifa merchandise. amigo sports has an ambition of becoming india’s premiere sports and Lifestyle Company and a leader in key sports – Football, Golf, Racquet Sports and Others
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
Bajaj Allianz will set aside Rs. 100 towards funding the education of an under-privileged child for every Child Insurance plan sold
More than Rs. 4 lakhs handed over to Aseema Trust in the first phase
Bangalore: Bajaj Allianz has launched a unique initiative called ‘Two Bright Futures’. Under this initiative, the company will set aside Rs.100 for every child insurance plan sold towards funding the education of under-privileged children. This initiative has been implemented from 20th May onwards. The funding corpus would be handed over to select NGO’s across the country, which are working for a similar cause.
This amount will be set aside solely by Bajaj Allianz and no amount will be deducted from the customer who purchases a child insurance plan from Bajaj Allianz.
In the first phase of the program, Bajaj Allianz has tied-up with Aseema Trust, a Mumbai-based organization working towards providing holistic education to children living on the streets or in slum communities. Aseema works in partnership with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai to impart value-based and quality education to children from pre-primary to Standard 10. At Aseema, every child is treated with love and respect and is made to feel that he or she matters. Education extends beyond the classroom with activities like art, music, drama, judo, computers, library time, yoga and sport. Through these activities the children get a chance to explore their full potential.
Bajaj Allianz handed over the first contribution cheque of Rs.4.24 lakh to Aseema Trust last week. This amount will be used to purchase books, uniforms, bags, stationery and support classes.
Mr. Akshay Mehrotra, Head – Marketing, Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance said “A customer buys a Child Insurance Plan so that their children can have a bright future. There are many children who cannot pursue basic education due to some limitations like affordability, absence of guardian, etc. Through this initiative we are ensuring a bright future for a child who needs our support the most. We feel that the ‘Two Bright Futures’ program would be a small step in shaping their futures.”
Commenting on the tie-up, Ms. Dilbur Parakh, Chairperson, Aseema Trust said “We are honored to be a part of this initiative by Bajaj Allianz, as this will facilitate in enhancing the infrastructure to provide a positive educational environment to the children.”
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
D&B India launches maiden edition of CTO Black Book 2009

Bengaluru: Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), the world’s leading provider of global business information, knowledge and insight, today announced and presented the ‘Dun & Bradstreet – Aircel CTO Awards 2009’ in Bengaluru. The occasion also marked the launch of the premier Dun & Bradstreet India (D&B India) publication, CTO Black Book 2009 by Mr Arun Thukral, Managing Director, Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd., who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, while Mr Alok Bharadwaj, Senior Vice President, Canon India, Mr. Alok Kumar, Head – Operations & Customer Support – Enterprise & Data Business, Aircel Business Solutions and Mr. Ramachandra Murty Yadavalli, Head – Marketing – Wipro IT Business – India, Middle East & Africa, delivered the key note address at the event.
This award is an effort by Dun & Bradstreet to identify and applaud the outstanding performance of CTO/CIO or the respective IT head of a company who have taken initiatives and achieved breakthrough results for the company through an IT innovation.
The award will focus on any significant IT initiatives taken by individuals, who have helped to bring out a remarkable improvement either in process, delivery model and/or new business idea (new product or service development) for their respective companies. The awards will be given to the CTO/CIO from the 7 sectors which include BFSI, Telecom, manufacturing, healthcare/pharmaceutical, logistics and transportation, retails and ITeS-BPO. The list of award winners is appended in the end.
Speaking at the Awards ceremony, Mr. Kaushal Sampat, President & CEO – India, Dun & Bradstreet said, “ The Indian IT industry has played a significant role in the country’s economic growth over the past one and half decades, with a notable contribution to the country’s GDP. The tremendous success that this sector has seen has not been achieved without surmounting various challenges. The CTOs who have made it to the esteemed list of award winners possess a stellar track record of rapidly transforming technological inventions and innovations into business value. These CTOs have proactively engaged business leaders in identifying and capturing new market opportunities using cutting-edge technologies during the slowdown. They have strived to harness technology to continually transform their firm’s products, services, processes, and business models. I would personally like to applaud the performance of each of the award winners tonight”.
About Dun & Bradstreet’s CTO Black Book 2009
The global IT industry witnessed the repercussion of the global economic crisis that slowed down growth in worldwide IT spending to 2.9% in 2009 as compared to 7.3% in 2007. IT services, which form the single largest segment (37.8%) of the total global spending on information technology, remained stagnant during 2009 as compared to 6% growth registered in 2007.
The first edition of Dun & Bradstreet’s ‘CTO Black Book 2009’ provides an overview of the recent trends in the Indian IT industry along with profiles of 164 IT companies. The publication also consists of an insight on the financial performance of 128 listed Indian IT companies from the IT services and hardware segments. These 128 companies were selected based on the availability of their comparable financials for the past five years as well as their 365 days average market capitalization as on 31 Mar 2010. Based on the nature of the IT industry, the selected companies were further classified into large, medium and small based on the widely-used 80:15:5 principle on their market capitalization.
The repercussions of the global economy crisis was felt on Indian IT industry as the sample IT companies grew at a slower rate of around 23.8% in FY09 as compared to average annual growth of over 32% recorded in the preceding three years.
Some key findings from the insights include:
• Small cap companies were the worst hit as their share in the total sales declined from 13.6% in FY05 to 11.2% in FY09. This decrease in market share was mainly due to pricing pressure and competition from large cap companies resulting in decrease in exports
• Aggregate exports accounted for approximately 79% of the overall sales in FY09 of the sample IT companies
• In the tough times, managing cost becomes priority to keep margins intact. The mid cap companies have done better compared their counterparts in managing total expenses during FY09. The total expenses for mid cap companies grew by 16.7% in FY09 as compared to 25.7% and 29.8% for large cap and small cap companies respectively
• During FY09, employee compensation constituted around 49.6% of sample IT companies, in which large IT companies spent 57.7% of their total expense on employee compensation whereas mid-sized companies spent 38.8%
• Growth in employee compensation of mid cap companies slowed down from 33.2% in FY08 to 14.3% in FY09 – an indication of some aggressive cost control measures undertaken by these companies
• Average net worth of the IT companies grew at a CAGR of 34.1% during FY05-09
• During the nine month period Apr- Dec 2009, overall sales of the sample IT companies grew by 5.9% on a y-o-y basis. Expenses, on the other hand, grew by 1.6 % which helped IT companies to achieve an impressive 21.9% growth in net profits during this period
• Net profit margin of the sample IT companies during Apr-Dec 2009 was approximately 22.1% as compared to 19.2% during the corresponding period in the previous year
On a positive note, the Indian IT industry has emerged more resilient and focused from the global financial crisis and are increasingly adopting more innovative business model to expand their market share.
‘CTO Black Book 2009’ has attempted to capture the essence of India’s IT sector. D&B India is confident that the publication will provide the right platform for the Indian IT industry, and will continue to endeavour towards recording the changing dynamics in the Indian IT industry.
List of Award winners:
No Award Winner Company Name Sector Category
1 Srinibash Sahoo D S P BlackRock Investment Managers Private Limited BFSI / NBFC Delivery Excellence
2 Shashi Kumar Ravulapaty Reliance Capital Limited BFSI / NBFC New Product Development
3 B R Bhat Corporation Bank BFSI / NBFC Process Excellence
4 Shashi Kumar Ravulapaty Reliance Capital Limited BFSI / NBFC Overall
5 Anantbhushan Pundlik Wyeth Limited Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Process Excellence
6 Anantbhushan Pundlik Wyeth Limited Healthcare / Pharmaceutical Overall
7 T K Wali Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Hi- Tech / Telecom Process Excellence
8 T K Wali Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Hi- Tech / Telecom Overall
9 S V Ramana Genpact ITES & BPO Delivery Excellence
10 Nandita Jain Mahajan IBM Daksh Business Process Services Private Limited ITES & BPO New Product Development
11 P V Ramadas HCL Technologies BPO Services Limited ITES & BPO Process Excellence
12 Rajendra Sawant Adventity Global Services Private Limited ITES & BPO Process Excellence
13 S V Ramana Genpact ITES & BPO Overall
14 Rajesh Munjal Carzonrent (India) Pvt Ltd Logistics & Transportation Process Excellence
15 Rajesh Munjal Carzonrent (India) Pvt Ltd Logistics & Transportation Overall
16 Umesh Mehta Asia Motor Works Limited Manufacturing Delivery Excellence
17 Daya Prakash L G Electronics India Private Limited Manufacturing New Product Development
18 S Ramaswamy Indian Oil Corporation Limited Manufacturing Process Excellence
19 S Ramaswamy Indian Oil Corportation Limited Manufacturing Overall
20 V Sundar T V Sundram Iyengar & Sons Limited Retail Process Excellence
21 V Sundar T V Sundram Iyengar & Sons Limited Retail Overall
22 Vishwajeet Singh FCm Travel Solution (India) Private Limited Logistics & Transportation Process Excellence
23 Vishwajeet Singh FCm Travel Solution (India) Private Limited Logistics & Transportation Overall
About Dun & Bradstreet (D&B):
Dun & Bradstreet (NYSE:DNB), the world's leading source of global business information, knowledge and insight, has been enabling companies to Decide with Confidence® for over168 years. D&B's global commercial database contains more than 162 million business records. The database is enhanced by D&B's proprietary DUNSRight® Quality Process, which transforms the enormous amount of data collected daily into decision-ready insight. Through the D&B Worldwide Network -an unrivaled alliance of D&B and leading business information providers around the world customers gain access to the world's largest and highest quality global commercial business information database.
Customers use D&B Risk Management Solutions to mitigate risk, increase cash flow and drive increased profitability, D&B Sales & Marketing Solutions to analyse markets, locate prospects and increase revenue from new and existing customers; D&B Export Marketing Solutions to gain significant insight into overseas markets and increase sales; D&B Learning Solutions to facilitate professional growth and excellence among their executives ; D&B Economic Analysis Group to derive pragmatic and solution-oriented analyses of strategic economic and business developments, thereby aiding informed decision making and D&B's Research and Advisory Services to provide customized research solutions and consulting to its clients in the areas of Risk Management, Economic, Sector and Financial Research.
D&B featured on FORTUNE Magazine's Most Admired Companies Industry List for four consecutive years (2006 -2009), ranking first in the Financial Data Services category. D&B ranked first in the areas of employee talent, financial soundness, long-term investment, quality of management and use of corporate assets.
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
DHL invests to grow share of fast-growing €3 billion sector

• Invests €50 million in Technical Services to tap on sector growing at 25% / annum
• Plans to double footprint in India, China & expand in Singapore and Japan
• Appoints IT industry veteran as Vice President, Technical Services, Asia Pacific
• Launches DHL’s first Asia Technical Services Competency Center in Malaysia
Bangalore:The next time you call the IT helpdesk of your laptop company to troubleshoot your computer, the engineer on the other end of the line could well be a DHL employee. Purchased a new mobile phone? The software may have been configured by DHL staff. With counterfeit goods on the rise, a fraudster or unsuspecting consumer trying to claim warranty on an illegal product from the legitimate brand owner may have plans thwarted by a DHL technician counterchecking warranty claims and product specifications. With DHL’s focus on Technical Services, the next time you drop off your laptop at the manufacturer’s service centre, don’t be surprised if you are serviced by DHL staff.
From final configuration to repairs and asset recovery , DHL, the world’s leading logistics company, is focused on growing its share of the €3 billion outsourced Service Logistics market in Asia Pacific. DHL’s Supply Chain division announced plans to invest €50 million over the next five years to grow its Technical Services offering, part of its overall Service Logistics solution, and mapped out expansion plans for China, India, Japan and Singapore.
DHL has also appointed an IT industry veteran to head this sector and officiated its first technical services competency center in Asia. Co-located at its 200,000 sq ft Penang Logistics Hub in Malaysia, DHL’s first Technical Services competency center in Asia provides an advanced level of technical solutions for customers.
Game-Changing Solution for the Logistics Industry
“By our estimates, the market is growing at about 25% per annum. Of that, Service Logistics services, especially Technical Services and repairs accounts for up to 60% of the overall spend,” said Paul Graham, CEO, DHL Supply Chain, Asia Pacific. “Our focus on this sector will be an industry game-changer. Harnessing the size and scale of our extensive footprint spanning 42 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, we have a unique opportunity to bridge the market gap between companies offering technical repairs and logistics providers.”
Spanning the breadth of its Express, Global Forwarding and Supply Chain locations , DHL has the ability to custom build a comprehensive end-to-end Service Logistics solution, including Technical Services. DHL’s Service Logistics solution builds on a network of over 16 distribution centers and over 490 field stocking locations in Asia Pacific. In addition, DHL customers also have access to the company’s existing footprint spanning 1,500 locations across the region.
Regional Expansion: Footprint to double in China and India, expansion for Japan and Singapore
For geographically expansive markets like China and India, the focus is on growing DHL’s Service Logistics footprint. “DHL operates from 400 sites in China and 470 locations in India. Of these, 15% of our sites in China and 40% of our facilities in India support Service Logistics. We expect to double the number and increase our Service Logistics footprint in China and India within the next 3-5 years. We are currently the market leader with the widest network in Tier 1 and Tier 2 markets, and we intend to further penetrate into Tier 3 to Tier 5 cities,” said Paul Graham.
In Japan, DHL operates from a network of 270 sites of which approximately 20% cater to Service Logistics. The company is looking to raise the bar to deliver extremely high quality technical services. ”High end technology goods still bear the mark “Made in Japan”. To
offer Technical Services in the backyard of the world’s biggest high tech brands, pioneering innovations the world is just starting to embrace, we need to up our game and further enhance the quality and expertise of our services,” said Kerry Mok, Senior Vice President: Service Logistics and Technology, DHL Supply Chain, Asia Pacific.
In Singapore, DHL currently operates a 24x7 call center for Europe and the Asia Pacific region for Service Logistics. The company has engaged senior industry professionals and plans to launch an Asia Pacific Center of Excellence for Solutions Development based in Singapore. The Center comprises of a core team of industry experts who will focus on designing solutions and provide consultancy services for customers.
A veteran with over 20 years in the IT industry, Choo Yew Kwong, has been named Vice President, Technical Services, DHL Supply Chain Asia Pacific. Yew Kwong joins DHL from an illustrious career at Hewlett Packard and Compaq Computer Asia where his roles included managing the IT giant’s end-to-end parts supply chain model covering procurement, logistics, inventory management and outsourced repair operations.
DHL’s first Integrated Technical Services Competency Center in Asia
A showcase of DHL’s Technical Services capabilities is the company’s first fully integrated technical services center in Asia. Located on its 200,000 sq ft Penang Distribution Hub in Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia, the facility is designed to offer integrated technical services solutions, from warehousing and distribution of spare parts, to reverse logistics including screening, testing, repair and asset recovery.
The facility also houses an Authorized Service Provider (ASP) management team that supports services such as warranty verification and spare parts purchases across Asia Pacific. On behalf of a leading computer manufacturer, DHL operates a technical call center where customers are assisted with advanced levels of repairs from laptops to servers.
- End -
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
DHL – The Logistics company for the world
DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and “The Logistics company for the world”. DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and about 300,000 employees’ worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting climate protection, disaster management and education.
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 46 billion euros in 2009.
When the going gets tough, Olympus Tough gets going

When the going gets tough, the Tough gets going. This oft-repeated phrase is so very true in the case of Olympus ‘Tough’ series.µ Tough is an all-weather, shock and waterproof digital camera which can be used with confidence, rain or shine, even under the water. They also have other additional features like freeze proof, dust proof and crush proof apart from the normal features that digital cameras possess like magic filter, image stabilisation, HD movie and so on.
The three cameras in the ‘Tough’ series namely 14 Megapixel Stylus µ TOUGH-8010, µ TOUGH-6020 and µ TOUGH-3000 are engineered to be shockproof, waterproof, crushproof and freeze-proof.

The new camera’s technology is normally found in the most complex, high-definition professional cameras with innovative functions. All the three Tough cameras shoot 720p HD videos using a one-touch button.
These cameras are designed for anyone and everyone be it the active and adventurous vacationers, to the young party goer, as well as the homebound who are looking for a hassle free camera, which does not get spoilt by the ‘tough world’ around.
The Tough has Dual Image Stabilization, which means that the cameras will deliver blur-free images. The Dual Image Stabilization combines Sensor-Shift Image Stabilization with high ISO sensitivity.
The ‘Tough’ series features a versatile 5x wide optical zoom lens (28-140mm*1) that ensures great group photos or close-ups of distant subjects. The Stylus Tough series cameras can be controlled with a simple tap on their top back or sides. In adverse climates, Tap Control ensures fast adjustment of settings.
The cameras employ ‘Bright Capture Technology’ which allows the user to shoot clear and bright pictures even in low light environments without having to use a flash. Other key features include HD movie function, [ib] software, Magic Filters, Creative Art Filters, Beauty Mode to i-Auto, AF Tracking, in-camera panorama, Pop Art, Pin Hole Fish-Eye and Drawing among others.
Built with shock-absorbing technology, the cameras are engineered to withstand a 6.6-foot drop, 220 pounds of pressure and 33 feet of water submersion & -10degree Celsius temperature. The µ TOUGH-8010 & µ TOUGH-6020 cameras has 2GB internal memory whereas TOUGH 3000 has 1GB internal memory. The cameras feature a 2.7" LCD with anti-glare technology that gives an extra-wide viewing angle.
The µ TOUGH-8010 camera comes in a choice of Platinum Silver and Midnight Black colors while µTOUGH-6020 comes in Midnight Black, Candy Pink, Steel Blue and Cosmic Green colors. The µ TOUGH-8010 camera is priced at Rs 19,999 while µTOUGH-6020 is priced at Rs 16,999. Priced at Rs 13,999, the µ TOUGH-3000 camera is light on the pocket. The Olympus cameras are available at all leading photo stores, electronics stores & modern retail chain store across India.
About Olympus Corporation
Olympus Corporation was established on October 12, 1919 in Japan and enjoys a reputation for excellence in digital cameras. Olympus first met this aspiration in 1934 with the development of camera lenses. In 2003, the company changed its name from Olympus to Olympus Corporation to unify the corporate name and the well-known brand. In recent years, Olympus Corporation has focused on "Opto-Digital Technology" as its core competence to maximize corporate value and to become one of the top optical instruments manufactures. Olympus has been present in India since 2005 with their full range of cameras. It has been continually revamping its brand building strategy in India. In the last one year, the service network too witnessed a major growth.
Website: www.olympus-imaging.co.in
For further information pls contact
Vivek Kangath
Sr. PR Executive
Blue Lotus Communications Pvt. Ltd
No 117, 2nd Floor, 18th Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore -560008,
Mob: 9986548890 (Blr) ,Mob: 9961171331 (Kerala)
Direct: +91-80-41254166, Board: +91-80-41263035, Fax: +91-80-41254166
Email: vivek@bluelotuspr.com / kangath@gmail.com
Web: www.bluelotuspr.com
Blog: www.bangalorepressreleases.blogspot.com
FINO partners with Microfinance Opportunities and The MasterCard Foundation to implement their financial education program

FINO has been chosen to implement Microfinance Opportunity’s financial education for branchless banking program, which is sponsored by The MasterCard Foundation. The company is currently working to achieve total financial inclusion in India by providing an end to end technology payments platform as well as managing the cash on the field through its agents (bandhu) network spread across the country.
FINO is one of two companies in Asia selected for participation in the program, which will commence in June 2010 The program seeks to strengthen understanding of the value proposition of branchless banking, and formal financial products and services among low-income consumers. It also aims to build trust in understanding of technology-based tools such as smart cards, mobile phones and ATMs.
As part of the partnership, FINO will leverage its extensive network of business correspondents to teach low-income clients how to make the most of the financial services linked to their biometric smart cards. Through the financial education for branchless banking program, FINO will increase clients’ awareness of formal financial services, strengthen demand for and active usage of savings products, promote asset-building and reduce over-indebtedness from local money lenders.
FINO’s financial education program will contribute toward MFO’s development of a financial education toolkit for branchless banking and implementation of a learning agenda for effective and large-scale integration of financial education into branchless banking.
Commenting on the partnership, Tarun Agarwal, Director of FINO Finetch Foundation, says “We are pleased to partner with The MasterCard Foundation and Microfinance Opportunities in implementing their financial education for branchless banking program. We at FINO Fintech Foundation believe that financial education is a key strategy to address information gaps that can underpin barriers to adoption of branchless banking services among low-income consumers. Currently, in Asia, financial literacy levels are low among low-income households. Through financial education, people at the bottom of pyramid can become informed consumers. Financial education programs such as these can increase the ability of low-income people to more effectively manage their financial resources, build assets and access financial services.”
About FINO Fintech Foundation
FINO Fintech Foundation is a not-for-profit company that provides financial-cum-insurance services and technical assistance to the people at the bottom of the pyramid. The company, set up by FINO under Section 25 of Indian Companies Act, promotes sustainable livelihoods for the rural poor and helps the underserved classes become economically self-reliant. Through a strong network of more than 10,000 Business Correspondents, Fintech Foundation provides savings service to clients and facilitates credit for BC clients who are eligible for loans. The Foundation works to create a smooth working environment between banks, the BC agents and FINO, see www.fino.co.in
About Microfinance Opportunities
Microfinance Opportunities (MFO) is a microenterprise resource center that promotes client-led microfinance. MFO seeks to provide a voice for poor consumers – equipping them with financial capabilities to manage their money and providing research to shape financial products to suit their needs. MFO is the market leader in financial education for the world’s poor, reaching more than 21 million low-income households through curriculum and mass media channels. For more information, see www.microfinanceopportunities.org.
About The MasterCard Foundation
The MasterCard Foundation believes that every person has the potential to transform their lives and to improve the lives of their families and their communities. By increasing access to microfinance and youth education to people in developing countries, the foundation is enabling them to realize their potential and lift themselves out of poverty. The foundation’s vision is to make the economy work for everybody. It is an independent, private foundation based in Toronto, Canada and was established through the generosity of MasterCard Worldwide at the time of the company’s initial public offering in 2006. For more information, see http://www.mastercardfdn.org/.
For further information contact:
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